V.K Pandey, Shivanshu Shukla, Chandra Bahadur Singh Dangi, R. K. Tenguriya, Dinesh Parmar and Gagan Kant Tripathi
India is endowed with a rich wealth of medicinal plants. They are also increasingly becoming economically important due to the growing demand for herbal products in the domestic and global market. The rhizosphere is a dynamic heterogeneous, continuous and natural habitat in which different types of interactions occurs between soil microbes and plants. The demand for medicinal plants is growing worldwide due to their non-toxic nature, affordability, and lack of side effects. Mycorrhizal fungi have garnered attention for their potential to enhance crop yields, improve soil health, and mitigate climate change impacts. This study aimed to investigate the diversity of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi associated with medicinal plants in Bhopal district. A diverse range of VAM fungi was observed in the rhizosphere of several medicinal plants, emphasizing the potential of these fungi to be harnessed for agricultural applications.
Keywords: Mycorrhizal fungi, Medicinal plants, Bhopal district, VAM diversity, Sustainable agriculture etc.