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Current Issue


Volume 5 Issue 4 (October-December 2023)


S.No.AuthorsTitlePage No.DOI/Link
1Mohd Shoaib and Jinesh Kumar singhPeople Perception About Avifauna And Attitude Toward Wildlife Conservation In Patna Pakshi Vihar1-8Click
2Kusum Kushwah*, Akansha Rao, and Dharmendra Pratap SinghNephroprotective Effect of Aloe Vera In Male Albino Rats Intoxicated By Aluminium Fluoride9-16Click
3BT Ramaiah, Rajeev Kumar and Reeta BharadwajImage Steganalysis Using Least Significant Bit (LSB) And Cuckoo Search Optimisation17-25Click
4Priyanka and Amita SarkarEnhancing The Efficacy Of Moringa Oleifera As A Protective Agent: A Comprehensive Study26-33Click
5Aarti MalhosiaExploring The Relationship Amongst Body Mass Index (BMI)And Weight Change Behavior In College Going Girls of Urban Area of Bhopal City34-37Click