Frequency : Quarterly,
4 issues per year
e-ISSN : 2456-7701
Editor-In-Chief (Hon.) :
Dr. Alok Sagar Gautam
e-mail: [email protected]
Welcome To Journal of Science and Technological Researches
Journal of Science and Technological Researches (JSTR) is a peer reviewed refereed journal. The journal is an effort to promote the easy applicability of latest researches and current trends to the mass and will provide the basic knowledge which is essential to live a healthy life. The journal with its much wider participation will strengthen and broader the networking system for further research and studies in the development of innovative technologies and upliftment of the society and environment. The journal is relevant to create awareness about the problems endangering the society and environment.
We youth in coordination with our experienced experts are pledged to work for the sustainability of our society and environment. Drops make an ocean and every step that we can take towards sustainable development is a step towards the protection of present and future generations.
It is indeed commendable that the journal will succeed in providing common platform for Life Sciences, Physical sciences, Chemical Sciences, Technology, Social Sciences, Medical Science experts, Eminent scientists, professors, industrialists and research scholars, and it is because of them this effort will achieve remarkable applause. This pooling of resources and knowledge available shall definitely prove in devising some techniques to overcome the menace of environmental problems. So let us do active research, participate and forever strive to seek and achieve new heights.
Publication Impact Factor
Journal of Science and Technological Researches (JSTR)
Founder and President IASD
Founder and President IASD

Mr. G.P Malhosia
Founder and President IASD
Dear member,
It fills me with immense pride and joy to share with you about the vision and mission of framing IASD. IASD (Indian Association of Societal Development) objects the commitment to society with its member and all the mind body and soul acquainted with it to cooperate at their best individually or in multiples as team.
Mission IASD,
- To uplift the drowning graphs of the society. Although India and Indian society on whole have made a very high globally noticed growth in almost all the awaiting public and private sector at national and international platform both including logistics, earthmovers cosmetics and many more. But still we are far more away from the point of immense development where we deserve and no doubt are made for and the solo cause to this statement is the existence of few but very evil practices prevailing in our society like environmental pollution, illiteracy, unawareness, nutritional depletion etc.
- IASD is promised to work for the youth, operated by the youth from youth to youth. Our message for the youth is to aim high in life, have confidence in yourself, work hard for which there is no substitute to achieve success, develop positivity in your thoughts and actions, have passion for perfection and excellence in all your endeavours.
- IASD enables the development of the skills, knowledge, values and attributes for life-long learning, community service, and global citizenship.
Just in its only few local camps and close bounded conferences IASD was able to make noticeable changes at the concern places which brings IASD to the verdict that if rigorously continuous working platform of healthy mind and dedicated thought and action with a common goal of social welfare starts working in the society and for the society will definitely make a difference.
IASD has organized many national conferences, seminars, symposiums to discuss the latest researches and current trends that should be facilitate to the common mass of the society. So to enhance the research approach IASD is now launching JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESERACHES (JSTR). This journal is completely dealing with the research in the stream of all grounds of science and technology under the supervision of Dr.Surendra Pratap Singh (Cordinator of IASD) is professionally a academician of Higher Education in Govt. of U.P. He is an eminent persona in the field of Physics has did lot researches in the identical stream and sometimes multidisciplinary.
On the behalf of our team, we promise to continue to work for the youth of our society that will replete with values, knowledge and confidence.
Very determined IASD believes in “together we can and we will make a difference” We assure you of a very enriching and fruitful time that you will be spending with us. And if you are a casual browser, please do let us know if you want any improvement in IASD.
We assure you of a very enriching and fruitful time that you will be spending with us. And if you are a casual browser, please do let us know if you want any improvement in IASD
With best Wishes
Mr.G.P. Malhosia
Founder and President IASD
“together we can and we will make a difference”
Founder and President JSTR
Founder and President JSTR

Dr. Surendra Pratap Singh
Founder and President, Journal of Science and Technological Researches (JSTR)
Firstly I owe my thanks to Indian Association of Societal Development (IASD) for giving me the gratification for landing the position of editor-in-chief for Journal of Science and technological Researches (JSTR). I have seen that how the honorable Mr.G.P.Malhosia (Founder IASD) has shaped this association in tree. Over the past 7 years IASD has done unbelievable job in the field of social livings. I as co-ordinator IASD and editor-in-chief of JSTR ensure to maintain its place. It gives me a great pleasure to launch this new journal , “ Journal of Science and Technological Researches.” One of the key objectives of research should be its usability and application. This journal attempts to document and spark a debate on the research focused on technology in context of emerging geographies. The sectors could range from education, energy, environment, health care , transport, shelter, manufacturing and service areas. The key focus would however be the emerging sectors and research which discusses application and usability in societal or consumer context whether individual or industrial.
Given the secure footing of the journal I do not propose any immediate or radical changes under my leadership, however Age and Ageing will need to continue to evolve, to ensure full advantage is taken of the rapidly changing world of publication and information dissemination.
Peer review remains a vital component of our assessment of submitted articles. There have been criticisms of this process, including delaying publication, unreliability of decision making, overly conservative approach automatically rejecting ‘non-standard’ ideas, and that peer review is poor at detecting errors and misconduct. However these weaknesses can be managed by an effective and active editorial office, and I believe they are outweighed by the benefits. There is strong consensus that accepted articles are often improved by peer review after referees’ comments and criticisms are dealt with; this explicit appraisal process also helps to engender trust of the reader.
It is important we have a good balance of different article type within the journal. I am keen to encourage publication of high-quality evidence-based guidelines in Age and Ageing. Such articles are widely read (and downloaded), can have major impact on clinical practice, and also tend to be highly cited to the benefit of our Impact Factor. The journal also has the potential to (re-) shape thinking on important concepts in clinical care, and here ‘new horizons’ articles have a particular role.
- Life and Biomedical Sciences-Allopath, Ayurveda, Homeopath, Naturopath, Unani
- Food Sciences-health and nutrition, Food Technology,
- Physical Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences
- Engineering and Material Sciences
- Chemical Sciences
- Environmental and Earth Sciences
- Social Sciences-Sociology, Home Economics
The Journal of Science and Technological researches is an academic journal that examines the intersection of following streams:
JSTR is a quarterly journal which is in electronic versions. Our expedited review process allows for a thorough analysis by expert peer-reviewers within a time line that is much more favorable than many other academic publications. The paper journal remains popular amongst readers, and it will remain the core output. However the use of electronic media is now a vital component of dissemination, providing a vehicle for wider international access to download selected publications, encouraging debate and discussion in letters to the editor, and providing a mechanism for publishing complex detailed appendices that are of interest to only a small proportion of readers.
The JSTR welcomes submissions that explore the scientific and technological aspects in all over the world.
Appropriate submissions could include general survey research, attitudinal measures, short communications, reviews, or any number of empirical approaches that fit within the general umbrella provided by the journal.
Authors are invited to submit their work at any time throughout the year and should carefully review the submission criteria and requirements.
The JSTR maintains rigorous peer-reviewed standards. If you have a submission that you believe meets our criteria, we encourage you to consider JSTR as an outlet for your academic research.
Lastly I should thank all our submitting authors, who have toiled in the production of their work, and have chosen Age and Ageing as the journal they would like to publish in. Those that do have their work accepted should be proud of their achievement!
If you have questions regarding this journal or submission requirements, please feel free to review the Author Info sections of this web site or contact the editor directly at
With best Wishes
Dr. Surendra Pratap Singh
Founder and President,
Journal of Science and Technological Researches (JSTR)
“together we can and we will make a difference”
Director, IASD
Director, IASD

Dr. Nitu Singh
Director, IASD
We are living in a fast changing world, a changing society, progressing at a galloping speed, impact of science, scientific research, technological development, globalization on our daily life is vibrant and unavoidable, So the need to be geared up for tomorrow is for greater than ever before. Opportunities before us are immense and the task is onerous. With this mind, we continue this march steadily towards our aim with the founder IASD honorable Mr. G.P. Malhosia to provide responsible citizens who will participate in nation building. Its fact that the progress of nation depends upon its youth, environment and empowerment of vulnerable section of the society. So, we the team IASD worked on it since 2001 with various modes of interaction, demonstrations, lectures, campaigning for achieving the decided goal of IASD. The broad mission and vision of IASD is already explained by founder and President Desk.
The team IASD is always working on innovative ways that actually uplift the society, so we stepping into research stream by facilitating fellowship for research, and now to enhance the research approach IASD is now launching Journal of Science and Technological Researches (JSTR). This journal is completely dealing with the research in the stream of all grounds of science and technology under the supervision of Dr. Alok Sagar Gautam, Assistant. Professor complete detail of sir (CV enclosed). He is an eminent persona in the field of Physics has did lot researches in the identical stream and sometimes multidisciplinary.
IASD has organized many national conferences, seminars, symposiums to discuss the latest researches and current trends that should be facilitate to the common mass of the society. On the behalf of our team, we promise to continue to work for the youth of our society that will replete with values, knowledge and confidence.
Very determined IASD believes in “together we can and we will make a difference” We assure you of a very enriching and fruitful time that you will be spending with us. And if you are a casual browser, please do let us know if you want any improvement in IASD. To succeed also requires, we believe, the highest standards of corporate behavior towards everyone we work with, the communities we touch, and the environment on which we have an impact. This is our road to sustainable, profitable growth, creating long-term Success and Prosperity.
With best Wishes
Dr. Nitu Singh
Director, IASD
“together we can and we will make a difference”
Editor in Chief JSTR
Editor in Chief JSTR

Dr. Alok Sagar Gautam
Editor in Chief JSTR
The JSTR is a peer reviewed, open access and online journal in English for the enhancement of research in different areas science and technology eISSN no-2456-7701. Research is an enduring field with persistent and focused efforts lead to positive results. When research is done in the field science and technology, it has many fold impact and implications not only for the Society and Industry but also for academia. The aim of the JSTR is to give a highly readable and valuable addition to the literature which will serve as an indispensable reference tool for years to come.
As the Editor-in-Chief, I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to authors who have chosen the JSTR to disseminate their research. It is important we have a good balance of different article type within the journal. I am keen to encourage publication of high-quality evidence-based guidelines in Age and Ageing. Such articles are widely read (and downloaded), can have major impact on clinical practice, and also tend to be highly cited to the benefit of our Impact Factor. The journal also has the potential to (re-) shape thinking on important concepts in clinical care, and here ‘new horizons’ articles have a particular role.
- Life and Biomedical Sciences-Allopath, Ayurveda, Homeopath, Naturopath, Unani
- Food Sciences-health and nutrition, Food Technology,
- Physical Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences
- Engineering and Material Sciences
- Chemical Sciences
- Environmental and Earth Sciences
- Social Sciences-Sociology, Home Economics
The Journal of Science and Technological research is an academic journal that examines the intersection of following streams:
JSTR is a quarterly journal which is in electronic versions. Our expedited review process allows for a thorough analysis by expert peer-reviewers within a time line that is much more favorable than many other academic publications. The paper journal remains popular amongst readers, and it will remain the core output. However, the use of electronic media is now a vital component of dissemination, providing a vehicle for wider international access to download selected publications, encouraging debate and discussion in letters to the editor, and providing a mechanism for publishing complex detailed appendices that are of interest to only a small proportion of readers.
The JSTR welcomes submissions that explore the scientific and technological aspects in all over the world.
Appropriate submissions could include general survey research, attitudinal measures, short communications, reviews, or any number of empirical approaches that fit within the general umbrella provided by the journal.
Authors are invited to submit their work at any time throughout the year and should carefully review the submission criteria and requirements.
The JSTR maintains rigorous peer-reviewed standards. If you have a submission that you believe meets our criteria, we encourage you to consider JSTR as an outlet for your academic research. Lastly I should thank all our submitting authors, who have toiled in the production of their work, and have chosen Age and Ageing as the journal they would like to publish in. Those that do have their work accepted should be proud of their achievement!
If you have questions regarding this journal or submission requirements, please feel free to review the Author Info sections of this web site or contact the editor directly at [email protected] We once again request all academician and researchers to send their unpublished articles/papers for publication in our Journal.
Our sincere thanks to all the contributors for their support and interest.
With best Wishes
Dr. Alok Sagar Gautam
Editor in Chief JSTR
“together we can and we will make a difference”