Tanu Jain
The present review describes the demographic profile, living practices, sanitation and hygiene conditions and nutritional status in relation to prevalence of anemia of rural adolescent girls and highlights the challenges and scope of improvement in their nutritional status to combat anemia.
The research papers, scrutinized for the same purpose were based on Indian and undeveloped and developing countries. Search engine Viz. Science direct, Research Gate, Pubmed, Google Scholar, were utilized for collection of research papers and required data was employed for tabulation and discussion. The data says that most of the rural adolescent girls were from weaker economic section, living in poor hygienic conditions. Scarcity of proper source of drinking water enhances this condition. Most of the girls were documented as literate but not graduated. Studies mentioned that poor food and nutrient intake is one of the main reasons of anemia and other supporting factors like unhygienic conditions, unawareness towards healthy eating habits and lack of nutrition education also enhance this condition which leads malnutrition and further infection and other diseased conditions and repeats this vicious cycle. Government along with NGOs in every country is striving to rectify or reduce the prevalence of anemia through many programmes. Availability and affordability of grains and other food commodities may help in this regard. Production and consumption of low cost nutritious foods may help to improve nutritional status. Also, local and traditional recipes, prepared using staple crops, grains and vegetables may be supplemented with high protein, iron rich foods. Increase in adolescent literacy rate and awareness about nutrition may also help the rural adolescent girls to overcome the state of anemia.
Keywords: Adolescent girl, Anemia, Hygiene, Malnutrition, Public health, Sanitation, etc.